I learn by doing and seeing

Hex Color Picker for Mac

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Whenever I need to decide a specific color to use, I always consult my sweet Photoshop CS6 since it runs pretty smooth on my laptop. But this is an overkill, opening up Photoshop simply for picking a color sounds so stupid and I’ve been doing this for years.

Luckily, I stumble upon this article about how to configure a light-weight hex color picker app on a Mac. Although the article clearly maps out all the steps, I am still presenting it here:

  1. Download Hex Color Picker
  2. Open AppleScript Editor
  3. Write the desired app name i.e. ColorPicker
  4. Save as a file with .app as file extension
  5. Move the file HexColorPicker.colorPicker to ~/Library/ColorPickers

Simple, elegant, no more Photoshop :)