I learn by doing and seeing

Readings for the Summer

[ ] [ Tags AngularJS, JavaScript, Ruby, Sinatra, geek, web ]

Hello! Summer 2013 officially started :-)

Today is the second day of the summer, and I feel pretty good about having a fresh start despite the fact that I did waste yesterday just to have beers with my friends. All in all, life’s good after the final exams, YAY!

This summer I will be working on Ruby on Sinatra, along with some light-weight front-end framework. Therefore, in order to get ready for my internship, I am setting up a reading list so that I don’t just blindly work on something without understanding the fundamentals.

Although I don’t think the project I will be working on requires any kind of sophisticated front-end work, I still want to learn the trendy hipster-ish front-end JavaScript frameworks like AngularJS, KnockoutJS, or EmberJS.

Here is the reading list of the books and the useful tutorials:

Online resources

Books reference

So far I found Ruby very magical and pseudo-intuitive to learn, but as coming from a less-dynamic programming language, I sometimes found I am doing too much work for what should’ve been done in two lines of code. I need to practice write less code in Ruby to achieve maximum efficiency. I will continue to update this list as I found useful resources.

It’s already a great start, cheers Rae!