I learn by doing and seeing

Hex Color Picker for Mac

[ ] [ Tags geek, tools ]

Whenever I need to decide a specific color to use, I always consult my sweet Photoshop CS6 since it runs pretty smooth on my laptop. But this is an overkill, opening up Photoshop simply for picking a color sounds so stupid and I’ve been doing this for years.

Luckily, I stumble upon this article about how to configure a light-weight hex color picker app on a Mac. Although the article clearly maps out all the steps, I am still presenting it here:

  1. Download Hex Color Picker
  2. Open AppleScript Editor
  3. Write the desired app name i.e. ColorPicker
  4. Save as a file with .app as file extension
  5. Move the file HexColorPicker.colorPicker to ~/Library/ColorPickers

Simple, elegant, no more Photoshop :)

Blog for Hackers?

[ ] [ Tags hack ]

Why am I switching the blogging platform? It sounds like an annual routine that has been done over and over again in the blogging business. I remeber the first time I was introduced with Wordpress, awesome and highly customizable. Although it was a hassle to get things work with Wordpress, the urge to personalize my blog made me step out of my comfort zone.

This time is no different than the first time. The reason why I am switching is actually very silly. I’ve seen so many cool developers using Octopress to blog, and they made it look really awesome due to the fact that Octopress is easy to hack. Octopress claimed it inteded to be used by hackers only, since everything needs to be done in terminal with no exception. Its nature will potentially scare off regular users, so this makes using Octopress even cooler. Yeah, that’s why I am switching, because I want to pretend that I am a cool hacker, which I am really not.

Enough for my boring mumbling, let me tell you what I did in the past few hours.

  • Replace default code syntax highlighter with my favorite Tomorrow Night theme
  • Clean up the default template
  • Learn the damn markdown
  • Host on GitHub page
  • Discover Hexo, after I spent hours figuring out how to get things work in Octopress
  • Think about responsive design with regard to the blog

This experience opens a door for me. Though I know getting this done is trivial, the process of learning will always lead to different chapters.

For those that would like to know the syntax highlighter theme, here is the demo. Notice that it does not entirely follow the syntax theming scheme in Tomorrow Night since the setup is a bit different. Also I haven’t tested out all the coloring scheme yet, this is still under-development. However, feel free to use it and modify the .css file to make it better.

var aTags = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) {
    aTags[i].onclick(function() {
        var closureVar = i;


[ ] [ Tags idea ]




這幾年矽谷也不再那麼囂張了,反而是舊金山南市場(SOMA)興起的創投熱正在發燒。每每去Career Fair都會看到許多正興起被看好的 Startup 正在如火如荼的招生,準備向它們下一個成長目標邁進。每天一睜開眼睛就可以搜尋到幾百個創投,他們正拿到第一筆資金開始準備找人才開始實行他們的創意。若最終仍是不成功,依然能夠帶著豐富的經驗到穩定的大公司謀求一職。總之,只要投入軟體這個產業,沒有餓不死的工程師。只有不敢衝的膽小鬼。


如果我有機會能夠和臺灣的大學生相遇,我希望他們能夠多多看看臺灣以外不同的世界。若你是資工的,就不要讓自己委身在不會進步的公司。軟體的魔力就是人力,GitHub 就是因為有一群熱衷於分享傑作的工程師才強大,每天都有不同的軟體工具因為不同所需而誕生,就是因為擁有幾萬個工程師一起集思廣益集力而成才能讓這個產業這麼蓬勃。Crowd computing 就是這樣的道理,不需要多了不起的電腦,只需要利用幾萬台電腦一點點的運算資源,要演算出一個很複雜的物理公式也就在眨眼之間。資訊需要開放交流才有力量,封閉不但讓你賺不到錢反而是讓社會舉足不前。

但以我的能力我能說的事情太少了,現在我只能多看多作多學,WATCH AND LEARN